I am back - or at least I went to work today - and now it´s weekend - actually long weekend as we have Monday of here in China; and we call it May holiday (Ha ha !). I have no other plans than to fully recover before next week trip to India - but that´s also a bit of a task; as I found it to be a very long and hard day back at work today. Other things today had to offer; a royal Wedding, a killer lunch at my favorite Indian place (have to adjust my stomach to next week´s challenge) and then a skype chat with Boyfriende, where we, among other things were talking about our future shared flat. Mostly we talk about al the food we are going to cook together there - we both miss cooking together very much and actually also just Danish groceries from Netto and what we can do with them (for some reason my Thai food actually tasts much better in Europe, than Asia !?!). But until we are moving on to that chapter of our life, I am gathering lots of inspiration for the different corners of our little oasis; First chapter of volume 1 is "where we shall eat?"

(Pictures: The Selby, ii-ne-kore & places I don´t really remember - pls. let me know; if you know)

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