While boyfriende was visiting we watched Blue Valentine with Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosling - and I loved loved loved it. It´s the saddest story ever with beautiful pictures and the totally cool music. I have played the couple´s song "You & Me" with Penny and the Quarters a million times on my kermit, and it only gets better and better and better - I wish it was boyfriende and my song - but that one has been chosen many years ago - and has a less sad feeling to it. I have been in love with Mr Gosling for a very long time, but this movie just made me fall even harder; He´s loving, he´s hurting and he´s fighting and all in a so cool and stylish way - and my god; he plays and sings the coolest little piece on his banjo while courting Michelle; "You always hurt the one you love" - which I know and love with the Mills Brothers - but now my favorite is Ryan´s version. Well, Miss Williams is just as cool, beautiful and fantastic as always - and plays the role to perfection - and my love for her only grow bigger and bigger for every movie. Blue Valentine is so far my favorite film of this year and - but as I have a "classic" movie weekend (which I will tell you about later) it´s could be pushed aside - but believe me, it´s very unlikely. If you haven´t seen it - please please please do ! If you´r anything like me, I promise you you will not regret it.

(Video: You Tube)

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