I have been collected Irma artist-cake-boxes forever. We have boxes with Henry Heerup, Carl Henning Pedersen, Tal R and many more and we use them for al kinds of things; coffee, rice, cakes etc. The original idea began in the late 60´s - early 70´s and my childhood was full of wonderful boxes, which my parents had carefully chosen. I began doing the same when I left home - and for many years I have been seaching in vintage shops for the ones I have liked - and well yes now we have a quite big collection. Though out the 90´and 00´s Irma did not do any co-operations - but last year they began again, and I added Julie Nord, Tal R and Kirstine Roepstorff to my collection. This year; 2011, the Irma-artist is John Kørner and I have bough his cake-box, his shopping net and today his 2 coffee cups. I am not sure if Irma has done cups before - but I am already loving the concept and hope they will do many more cups in the future. I think it´s impossible to find cool coffee cups anywhere and I would love to serve coffee just as pretty as I serve cakes.

(Link: Irma)


I am spending a lot of time in our flat these days due to a bit of overweight ... should have about 7 days by myself left - but lets see if the little guy thinks that´s enough or too much. Spending time at home; makes you pay attention to details and well yes - our home is full of small details. My sister thinks, that we have a lot (and maybe too much) of "stuff" and I might agree with her after photographing around the 90 m2 ... I think "stuff" makes a flat cozy and our "stuff" are memories from our life; basically everything has been found on travels, given to us by good friends, bought for special occasions or made by the two of us (maybe just by me) when we were kids.


Last week I went to Glyptoteket to see the Gauguin exhibition. I have tried to go there before, but did not succeed due to way to many people in line for the show - but last Tuesday I managed to get into the treasury. Beautiful - that´s all I can say ... the colors (actually the color combinations) are so fantastic that I have no words to describe it... But in order to keep the colors bright and fresh, one is not allowed to take photo´s and all I have is from the winter garden - which is also quite fantastic. If you never been to Glyptoteket and are not sure what to exspect, try to go on a Sunday - it´s free of charts (you save 75 dk kr) and just go to the winter garden and sit on a bench and breath in the atmosphere... you feel different afterwards - I promise you ... it´s a fantastic place.
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