We spend Boyfriende´s last day in Beijing at the National Museum. It had been Boyfriende´s plan every single time he has visited Beijing to go there - the first 2 times the museum had not opened from it´s 3 years of re-building - and the last 2 times; the line outside had been ridiculously long so he had given up before even trying to stand in line - but that was until he found out that the line actually was for free entry - entering through the North entry and paying 10 RMB he (we) could save hours and go straight through to the "show" - and well yesterday we did and let me tell you; I am glad I didn´t wait in line for hours ... It was quite boring exhibitions; though with some beautiful things in the "old" part; there were not a smooth told story which could have made it easy and amusing to go through the many many rooms. The "new" part was not better and it was quite like being at the war museum ... so actually the most fun part we saw, was the Louis Vuitton Voyages Exhibition, which also was the most popular with the 99,8% Chinese visitors (yes, the Chinese love their Vuitton ). The rooms really interacted with the visitors and it told some great stories of the old brands different personalized luggages - it made it up for every single 10 RMB we paid per person. Would I recommend the place ? No - if you only have a week in Beijing; there´s a lot of other places I would go first - but when you have had a year like us, you should see this piece of what´s left of Chinese history - new and old.


While Boyfriende has been here we have had lots of wonderful food; Chinese, Tibetan, Italian, Japanese, "Western" etc. I know I will miss all this dinning out when I in 9 days return to Denmark, but right now I cannot wait to go back to our new heaven by the water and start cooking again - together with him. However we have found tons of inspiration here for our future cooking; Vietnamese Phô, Chinese eggplant/potato/soya, Fusion seafood pita, etc. - the last one with we had the other day at a newly opened restaurant in The New/North Village - a wonderful evening, with my wonderful man, with wonderful food (besides way too much dressing) - and yes, I spill a LOT these days - stuff is sticking out and I cannot help leaving sauces at my blouses all the time. Today it´s Sunday - Boyfriende took the flight home last evening, so I am all alone for the last 9 days here. I will pack everything down, do the last minute sightseeing, last minute shopping and of course say goodbye to everything and everyone. It sad, but good things are waiting; I guess the biggest one in 3 month (thought it sometimes feels like he want to exit now from all the kicking and hitting ) - but good things are alway very difficult to leave behind. Some of the good thing I will do today; go to the Gym, go have coffee and cheese cake and shop a bit - have a wonderful Sunday!


Quite some time ago I decided that there are some movies you are suppose to see - no matter what - but for some reason I had not seen a lot of them. Well the list keeps getting longer and longer, but there is also quite a couple of "oldies" on it and living in China (well ofapproximately 2 weeks more) I have had the chance of easily finding them in the video shops for no money - less than a Euro. This Sunday evening was spend in the company of a young Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Jodie Foster and not to forget a young and super beautiful Cybil Shephard in Scorsese classic "Taxi Driver". A cool movie - however not sure I completely get it .. might have to watch it again or at least talk to somebody, who was actually alive when it was made. One down and a lot more to go ... Next project is "Scarface" - I let you know how that goes.

(Video: YouTube)


It did not take us that long to find a place - Boyfriende went crazy and searched all over town - and well; "outside" town - and this is where we ended up !!! We are moving far from everything but close to water, the motorway and a cemetery (actually my favorite one, if you can have such a thing when it comes to cemeteries) ... The new place is 90 m2 of new apartment, 3 rooms, 1 balcony and a set of wash and dryer, which might come in handy once junior arrives. I am struggling a bit moving "outside" Vesterbro, however before I said yes arrangement, I double checked that I could ride the trip on my bike quickly (if I got "homesick") and - almost 6 months pregnant - I managed the trip in 13 minutes; so I guess it´s not that far after all ... (and yes, the round lady in the end; that´s me these days ...)
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